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曾為多數音樂節奏遊戲提供曲目,活躍於同人音樂與J-pop製作,擅於各種曲風及日系電子音樂,也同時活躍於Vtuber的配樂、Cover Mixing及獨立遊戲配樂/音效製作。
現為滾石唱片旗下海揚創意 Major7_Creative Studio 之簽約創作人。
XinG, Taiwanese Doujin composer/arranger. Since in 2019.
Provided tracks for many rhythm games, activing in Doujin music and J-pop production, good at various genres and Japanese electronic music, and is also active in Vtuber's soundtrack, Cover Mixing, and independent game soundtrack/sound effects production.
Now is the contract creator of Major7_Creative Studio of Haiyang Creative under Rolling Stone Records.
For music-related commission production, please contact the following mailbox:
About: Bio
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